Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Bad Cold

In an innocent situation that happened last week in a small village next to Dragon Mountain, two pigs found their deaths. It all started with the wolf’s misunderstood attempt to reach out to other members of the community in search of friendship. Since a young age, the wolf had social problems. As a baby he always liked to play with the rest of the animals. Until he was three he had plenty of friends and was the teacher’s favorite pupil. When he turned three his teeth started to grow and it became harder and harder for him to play with the rest of the animals in his kindergarten. Every day, another animal’s parent complained to the kindergarten teacher that his or her child got a few scratches from the wolf. After all the parents in the kindergarten signed a petition to expel the wolf from the kindergarten, the wolf’s dad had no choice and the wolf had to stay at home. The wolf mom died during childbirth, so he was raised only by his dad. During the day the wolf stayed at home by himself since his dad had to go to work and bring home food. The wolf was very bored staying at home all day, especially since his dad lost all of their money gambling and had to disconnect the cable TV. Since then, every afternoon the wolf walked over to the playground and asked his x-friends to play with him. One day the wolf got a cold which made him sneeze every few seconds. One problem that wolves have is that their sneeze is very strong and intense. They learn to control the force of their sneeze when they go through puberty. Before then it can be very dangerous for everyone who is standing next to them. Unfortunately, when going over to visit his friends, the wolf sneezed on his friends’ straw house. The sneeze was so strong that it blew them away together with their house. Now the question is who is to blame? The wolf who was walking around looking for friends or society which rejected him without providing him with any educational or social substitute. Or should another government institute - the real-estate department - be questioned? Due to its lack of regulation enforcement, the poor pigs lived in a house that doesn’t stand up to the regulations and thus were victims of an unintentional yet deadly sneeze.


Betty Lam said...

Hi Matan! I found your article to be very entertaining; there were various parts that made me smile. You presented us with the childhood of the wolf and how that led him to his life today. I think bringing up his childhood relates really well to our last lesson. Through your writing, I can clearly see that you are leaning towards the side of the wolf. You portrayed the wolf as an innocent bystander who's at the wrong place at the wrong time. As a reader, I felt pity for the wolf because of all the hardships you listed. Also, I really liked how you put part of the blame on the real-estate agencies. I thought it made the story seem more modern.

Nataliya Omelchenko said...

I liked the story very much was right to the point and had good tweaks to it. Really like that you went on the side of the wolf to and not against poor fellow. Liked how you implemented the sneeze in the story and real estate part was ingenious