Thursday, November 1, 2007
Innocent or Guilty?
For the past few days the town’s atmosphere has been disturbed by the death of the two brothers of the three little pigs. The surviving pig claims that the wolf, Mr. Alexander T. is the murderer.
There has been a lot of interview and picture taken on the crime spot and all types of question and most importantly the talk among the town’s people and their safety. People are so worried about the trail and what they should do to the wolf. No body seems to be interested in the wolf side of the story. Everyone is more interested in hearing the innocent looking pig’s story. It is very obvious for the little pigs to be afraid of a huge wolf but that doesn’t automatically makes the wolf a bad wolf just because the pigs are afraid of it.
Well I decided to have a word or more with the wolf over a cup of coffee. I would only be fair if the judge makes a fair decision after hearing both sides instead of one exaggerate story made by scared little pigs.
Hear is the story from the wolf perspective, told by the wolf. “Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever heard my side of the story. I'm Alexander T. Wolf. You can call me Al.” Well Al I want to know exactly what happened. “I don't know how this whole Big Bad Wolf thing got started, but it's all wrong. Maybe it's because of our diet. Hey, it's not my fault wolves eat cute little animals like bunnies and sheep and pigs. That's just the way we are. If cheeseburgers were cute, folks would probably think you were Big and Bad too.” Laugh. “But like I was saying, the whole big bad wolf thing is all wrong. The real story is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar.”
That all, it’s just your bad cold and a cup of sugar? “Well Way back in Once Upon a Time time, I was making a birthday cake for my dear old granny. I had a terrible sneezing cold. I ran out of sugar. So I walked down the street to ask my neighbor for a cup of sugar. Now this neighbor was a pig. And he wasn't too bright either. He had built his whole house out of straw. Can you believe it? I mean who in his right mind would build a house of straw? So of course the minute I knocked on the door, it fell right in. I didn't want to just walk into someone else's house. So I called, "Little Pig, Little Pig, are you in?" No answer. I was just about to go home without the cup of sugar for my dear old granny's birthday cake.”
“That's when my nose started to itch. I felt a sneeze coming on. Well I huffed. And I snuffed. And I sneezed a great sneeze.And you know what? The whole darn straw house fell down. And right in the middle of the pile of straw was the First Little Pig - dead as a doornail. He had been home the whole time. It seemed like a shame to leave a perfectly good ham dinner lying there in the straw. So I ate it up. Think of it as a cheeseburger just lying there. I was feeling a little better.”
“But I still didn't have my cup of sugar. So I went to the next neighbor's house. This neighbor was the First Little Pig's brother. He was a little smarter, but not much. He has built his house of sticks. I rang the bell on the stick house. Nobody answered. I called, "Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?" He yelled back."Go away wolf. You can't come in. I'm shaving the hairs on my shinny chin chin."I had just grabbed the doorknob when I felt another sneeze coming on. I huffed. And I snuffed. And I tried to cover my mouth, but I sneezed a great sneeze. And you are not going to believe this, but the guy's house fell down just like his brother's. When the dust cleared, there was the Second Little Pig - dead as a doornail. Wolf's honor. Now you know food will spoil if you just leave it out in the open. So I did the only thing there was to do. I had dinner again. Think of it as a second helping. I was getting awfully full. But my cold was feeling a little better.”
“And I still didn't have that cup of sugarr for my dear old granny's birthday cake. So I went to the next house. This guy was the First and Second Little Pig's brother. He must have been the brains of the family. He had built his house of bricks. I knocked on the brick house. No answer. I called, "Mr Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?" And do you know what that rude little porker answered? "Get out of here, Wolf. Don't bother me again." Talk about impolite! He probably had a whole sackful of sugar. And he wouldn't give me even one little cup for my dear sweet old granny's birthday cake. What a pig!”
“I was just about to go home and maybe make a nice birthday card instead of a cake, when I felt my cold coming on. I huffed and I snuffed. And I sneezed once again. Then the Third Little Pig yelled, “And your old granny can sit on a pin!" Now I'm usually a pretty calm fellow. But when somebody talks about my granny like that, I go a Little crazy. When the cops drove up, of course I was trying to break down this Pig's door. And the whole time I was huffing and puffing and sneezing and making a real scene. The rest as they say is history. The news reporters found out about the two pigs I had for dinner. They figured a sick guy going to borrow a cup of sugar didn't sound very exciting. So they jazzed up the story with all of that "Huff and puff and blow your house down” And they made me the Big Bad Wolf. That's it the real story. I was framed. "
Well I am very sorry to hear all that, I mean it’s certainly not your fault that your neighbors are little pigs who are afraid of you. And that was the end of my little coffee chat with the wolf. Folks of the town now you have got the story from the wolf side as well, so if you are the jury at the court, who will be helping the judge decide, think twice before looking at the living innocent pig from the pig brothers. We will be waiting to see if the wolf get justice.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Far-Far Away Post - David V
According to Mr. Pig, Mr. Wolf slaughtered Mr. Pigs siblings without mercy. One by one, Mr. Wolf harassed and then proceeded to attack the pigs. It was not until Mr. Wolf was caught while attempting to break into Mr. Pig’s brick home that the slaughter came to an end. All that were found of the deceased pig family members was a hoof and a chin whisker. “I’ve never had this much grief, the wolf should be executed!” said Mr. Pig
Mr. Wolf’s lawyers tell a very different story which paint Mr. Wolf not as the criminal but as a victim. Alexander T. Wolf’s day had started with righteous and loving motives as he had wanted to surprise grandmother wolf with a birthday cake. It was upon discovering he was out of the key ingredient of sugar that the day started to take a bad turn. Alexander, a wolf who believes a solution to any problem can be found decided to ask his neighbors. “It was not my fault that they’re homes were poorly constructed.” said Wolf. For it was upon approaching they homes of the two deceased that shortly after, each home collapsed and subsequently killed any inhabitants. Mr. Wolf decided to honor the memory of the pigs by enjoying them. “It would have been a disgrace to the honor of the pigs to watch them slowly rot.” said wolf. Still the evidence overwhelmingly put Mr. Wolf at fault.
Judge Porkchop will hold the final hearings next week. It is then that the fate of Mr. Wolf will be reported.
Monday, September 24, 2007
September, 20.
Guilty or not Guilty?
By independent correspondent Curious Rooster.
Last week our small town was terrified by the news about the death of two young pigs-brothers. They were very quiet neighbors. They did not have permanent jobs, because they were lazy and not too smart, unlike their third brother, who worked hard, but they never caused any troubles. Mr. Alexander T. Wolf was arrested that night and accused of the murder of the two brothers and in the attempt of killing the third one. Right now Mr. Wolf is waiting for the trial. Let’s take a closer look at Mr. Wolf. He and his family lived in this small town for years. The reason that city’s government, consisted mostly of domestic animals, allowed them live here, is because wolfs signed the agreement of never attacking and killing habitants of the town. Most likely all wolfs will be thrown out of the town. The court is appointed for the next month. All members of the jury are chosen, but their names are not disclosed. My secret source informs, that more than 70% of the jury is pigs, so we can only guess the decision they will make. Mr. Wolf’s lawyer is saying that his client did not commit murder, but does not deny the fact of eating them, after they died. He hopes that the sentence will eased by this fact. His explanation, that he could not live the good food wasted.
Couple words about survived brother. He is suing the city for refusing to give his brothers the financial aid and shelter, there for they had to live in such insecure places. He claims that its government’s indirect fault in his brothers deaths.
Read the next week the continuum of the story about wild and domestic animals conflict, and its consequences.
Little Red
2. The red color represented to To Wolf love, patience . When Wolf saw the little girl with red cap, to him she was grown woman he maybe fol in love with her. Wolf ate her showing her love. The little girl was innocent, she didn't have experience;, did not think something bad can happened to her.
3. In this case wolf used Little Red inexperienced life end also shows how some men are like wolf who are using youn girls. Those men are using young girls just because they are not experienced and they are trusting them whtever they said to them. This story is sending messages' to some parents that they should talk with children, to explait to them how they should be carfule from other people especially from strangers. As a result we can see in another story when Little Red had an experience . When another wolf met her and asked her to leave the path, she didn't do what he wanted. The Little went to grandmother's house.
Here is variation of the story which shows the little girl as much more savvy. When young girl saw a wolf that is not her grandmother she took a gan and killed him.
Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems
illustrated by James Thurber
Harber and Row 1939
Little Pigs - Victim or Villain
This was the outcome of the trial against the "Big Bad Wolf" that had the entire community in uproar.
Alexander T. Wolf claimed he was provoked and teased by the pigs, when all he wanted was a cup of sugar to bake a cake for his grandmother. He claimed that he went to the first pig's house to and kindly asked for a cup of sugar. He claimed that because the pig's house was made out of straw his nose started to itch, which made him sneeze.
- Shouldn't a wolf be use to straws, since he do live in the woods!!!
Well according to Alexander, the straws irritated his nose which caused him to sneeze. As a result of him sneezing, the pig's straw house fell which lead to the pig's death. The pig was dead and Alexander could not resist having the cute little pig for dinner.
This was not enough for the "Big Bad Wolf"; he continued on this path to destruction and murder.
He went to another pigs' house, pig #2, where he claimed he went asking for sugar again. He said he asked for the sugar nicely, but pig #2 did not open the door for him- so he decided to let himself in. This is when he felt another sneeze coming on. He claimed he sneezed and again the house came tumbling down. How convenient, that he only sneezes when he wants to enter someones' house! Again, pig #2 died, and he ate him.
That was not enough for the wolf, he wanted more for dinner!
He went on to pig #3 house. But that pigs was smart and built a house of brick. Alexander called out to the pig, pretending he wanted sugar, but the pig never responded. He thought he could have blown down the house of this pig, but he was unsuccessful with all his huffs and puffs. Instead of blowing the house down, all he did was caused a big commotions which lead the police to his arrest. He was caught "red handed"; and for that reason he will spend the rest of his life in jail where he cannot harm any more pigs. He had enough for dinner!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Innocent or Guilty? --Luisa Sierra
What difference would it make if I consider myself innocent, if at the end everybody agrees to put the bad big wolf in jail? Well at least in Jail I would find a cup of SUGAR easily!!!! !!! The wolf shouted.
After reviewing the story that Alexander T. Wolf gave in court today to justify his conduct the judge found it so uncertain that it was hard to believe. Judge Bricks decides to sentence Al to death by the lethal injection. T. Wolf will enjoy his remaining days at happily ever after penitentiary.
Al tries to justify himself by telling the judge that he never meant to eat the two little pigs, “I’m diagnosed with high cholesterol I can’t eat fatty pigs, but the situation I was, gave me not other option. My grandma taught me not to waste food. I don’t understand why we wolves have to be the bad guys all the time nobody knows how good we are and just judge us by our appearance, but the bad guys are others(Little red riding hood is not as innocent as she looks), well that’s another tale. Here goes the REAL story of those three boars!, the one that everyone knows is a camouflage invented by that old pig bastard!
It was a good day of summer and I was taking a walk by the forest to get some lilies for my grandma’s b-day but for my disgrace that day my allergies were killing me so picking up flowers would make it worst . So I decided to bake her favorite cake. I went back home and when I was about to mix all the ingredients I found that I didn’t have sugar. I decided to go to my neighbor’s to ask for some sugar and for my surprise it was “dinner” I mean a pig. His house was made of straw, what a dumb and lazy pig. I knocked at the door and it fell, my snout was itching and it made me sneeze and I could see how the house shook and it fell right in front of me. I saw a terrified pig sitting in a green sofa in front of an off television set. Straws (pig nickname)looked at me frightened and left running I went after him to apologize but the dumb pig fell and hit his back of his head with a rock causing him an instant death. The pig was already dead so it would be a waste to leave that feast out in the forest. I thought it twice before eating the pig because of my cholesterol but my appetite was stronger.
So I went to my next neighbor’s house. Straws’ brother. This pig was really mean, his door was open when he saw me he shot the door at my face and it seems the dust cause my allergies to react and I sneezed a big sneeze. When the dust cleared I saw the dead pig, a stick was coming out of his stomach and there was my second buffet.
So I went to the next house to have some pork I mean sugar. This pig was smart he had built his house of bricks. I knocked at the door to give my apologies to the third pig about his brothers and to ask for a cup of sugar. To my surprise “bricks” opened and let me in the house. I explained to him what happened. I heard someone knocking at the door, it was the police. I don’t know from where that pig bastard got a gun and was pointing at me telling me that if I wanted to leave unharmed I must tell the police that I really wanted to eat the two little pigs and knocking down their houses were part of the evil plan. I have no other choice but to attack that bastard and that’s when the police came in and saw a furious wolf beating up an innocent and cute little PIG. They arrestedme. To my surprise the third little pig is a judge the same one that sentenced me to death. I just have 10 days left and I decided to be a vegetarian.
Below you will find a recent photograph of the third little pig after the death of Alexander T. Wolf.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Little Pig Class 2, Samuel
The 8 year old Alexander Wolf, alias Al, has a notorious history for devouring rabbits, sheep and pigs. Prosecutor Jones, said Alexander Wolf had recently moved in Pig City with his granny, his father’s mother.
In his defense he claimed he was in the process of baking a cake for his granny when the sugar ran out. So he grabbed a cup and went to fetch some sugar from his neighbors. He went to the first little pig’s house made of straw, rapped on the door with his paw. In an instant, the door swung wide open. He took it for an invitation and went right in. Just as he went inside he sneezed. He said he was having a terribly bout with a cold. Again he sneezed and the straw house was completely demolished. When the prosecutor asked about the faith of the little pig, he said it was dead and admitted to eating it to preventing it from wasting.
In an attempt to save himself he employed the same sugar strategy as his alibi. He entered the second little pig’s house made of sticks. When asked why he did not leave when the second little pig shout “Go away Wolf, you can’t come in”. He said he was confused and thought he heard the pig said “come in”. Al said he held the door knob and suddenly sneezed not once but twice; and again history repeated itself – the house fell killing the poor, helpless little pig. In order to preventing the deceased pig form going to waste Al ate it. Alexander Wolf told the court that he was determined to get a cup of sugar so he went to the third little pig’s house.
He said, however, that he found the third little pig to be smart, and very intelligent. This little pig had made his house with bricks. Politely Alexander Wolf knocked on the house and called “Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig are you in”? Al claimed that the pig responded furiously. In his defense, Al claimed that the pig was obnoxious and took it mighty personal. He decided to leave and present his granny with a birthday card instead, but due to the terribly cold he had he went into a series of sneeze; and became very angry when the third little pig cursed at his granny. Alexander Wolf was indeed trying to break in the helpless little pig’s house when Pig City police officers arrested him. If convicted Al could face a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison without parole.
little pigs
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The shadows draw over Ellinston signalling dusk today. It is 9:30 pm, and, in exactly three hours, authorities will inject a fatal combination of chemicals into the bloodstream of Joe Wolfe, thereby ending his life. The case of Mr. Wolfe has been a sensational one, polarizing inhabitants of Ellinston since the disappearances of siblings Tiffany and Wilberforce Hogg almost 2 years ago today.
Many see the death of Wolfe as long overdue recompense for the murder of the Hogg siblings just 24 hours apart. Although their bodies have never been recovered, that Wolfe was the person last seen with both strikes many in the community as more than simple coincidence. Many others, however, just see his sentence as the result of being from the wrong side of the tracks. Wolfe has steadfastly maintained his innocence despite the avalanche of evidence to the contrary.
Court transcripts reveal that someone appearing to be Wolfe was seen exiting the home of Wilberforce on a rainy Thursday night 2 years ago. The witness, a senior citizen named Malachi Mouse, admitted to not being certain it was Wolfe he'd seen due to the inclement weather and the darkness of the hour. After Wilberforce and Tiffany failed to show up at the Ellinston Clubhouse for their role as auctioneers at the Clubhouse's annual charity event the next Friday, family members alerted authorities. Their homes were found ransacked and partially destroyed, but little physical evidence was retrieved, and the Hoggs were never seen again.
A former busboy at the clubhouse who'd begun to make steady money from his knack for day trading, what linked Wolfe to the case and made him a prime suspect was the public threat he'd made to them only a week prior to the disappearances. He admitted that he'd become angry when Tiffany had refused his request to visit his home to give him her expert opinion as a decorator about the new, commercial-sized oven he'd recently installed. He yelled at her there in the public library (where he checked out several cookbooks) that he would "have you and your fat family for lunch one of these days! Just who do you think you are?"
Wolfe's attorneys and family insist that his execution would be a travesty and are disappointed that their attempts at an appeal all seem to have failed. They say that his outburst was taken out of context and that he'd been offended and only meant that he'd eventually win over the notoriously snobbish Hoggs and have them as lunch guests. "If my Joey had been a blueblood like themselves, he'd never be faced with this situation. He's being treated unjustly simply because he's not old money and doesn't have the connections the Hoggs and their lot have" sobbed Wolfe's mother, Irma Wolfe. "They can only see him as the busboy who hung out in front of the local pub after work with his friends and got up to the usual petty mischief of kids nowadays. Sure, he egged a few fancy cars in his youth. But, he's not a killer!"
Within hours, all these arguments will be moot as there is no further chance for reprieve for
Wolfe. Savage killer or misunderstood canine, Joseph Wolfe will be no more.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
S. Hamilton's News Clip
Thanks, Rich. We’re at the scene in the Swine section of Howlbarn where just a few moments ago Mr. Wolf was arrested and driven away by the police. Now, here is some background on this story: Two homes, one made of hay and the other of sticks were found completely destroyed. There were said to be the homes of Pig#1 and Pig#2 who remain missing tonight as police search for clues in this twisted tragedy. When police arrived on the scene, the wolf was attempting to break into the 3rd pig’s house, who asked to remain under the condition of anonymity. His house was made of bricks which might explain how this pig may have remained alive. The pig stated that the wolf maliciously preyed on his siblings and had planned to do the same to him. (Distorted voice) “All this talk about needing sugar to bake a cake for his Granny! There is no Granny in this story, that’s in the story of Little Red Riding Hood!” One witness said they heard the wolf shouting, “Don’t you dare disrespect my granny like that!”, but it turned out that witness was the wolf’s lover. We did speak to another witness, who claimed he saw the wolf belch and part of what seemed like a pig’s tale fall out of his mouth. Police had planned to have the wolf examined at a nearby hospital. We’ll update you with that information as soon as it becomes available. So far it has been said that a razor was found in the rubble of the house of sticks which could have possibly been the murder weapon. Detectives plan to do a thorough search of his home. At this time, police have not found the wolf’s Granny. If the wolf is found guilty of murdering those two pigs, he may face up to 8 months in prison. Michelle O’Brien, WPIG news.
Little Pigs 2
Short Hills, Pennsylvania
He has been accused of committing the gruesome murders of Piggy 1, Piggy 2, and Piggy 3. Mr. Big B. Wolf, 37, who is being held without bail, faces 9 other charges additionally. In interviews before his arrest, Mr. Wolf said he was trying to lead “the good life” and had denied all allegations.
His arrest Sunday has set off frenzy within the community of Short Hills, PA. One neighbor was quoted as saying “We just built this here house out of brick, but apparently that ain’t good enough no mo…” Mr. Wolf was arrested Saturday and is expected to appear on court on the morning of Thursday November 23rd to hear the charges against him. Another Short Hills resident in shocking disbelief of the incident said “ I cant believe this has happened to us and I don’t know how we’ll ever recover from this, I mean those little piggy’s were just little piggies, how could someone ever do such a thing?”
Jury selection will begin November 3rd at the Notsohappy Criminal Justice Center in downtown Philadelphia. 400 hundred prospective jurors will be screened over the course of two days. A tedious selection will be conducted with the utmost sensitivity. A jury of 12 men and women along with seven alternative jurors will be selected. The case, already having gained national exposure is expected to capture international interest over the ruling of Wolf vs. Pig 1 Pig 2, Pig 3 etc…
Since the bloody day of Sept 2nd controversy has been surrounding Mr. Wolf with the communities’ speculation of him being “the likely culprit.”
Furthermore, a report from the coroner’s office concluded that all three victims had unusually large incisors bite marks. Raising the suspicion even more so of a Wolf like attack. However, Mr. Wolf’s defense team has gained an edge, according to some legal experts. The Shot Hills Criminology DNA expert has confirmed a report citing no evidence of Mr. Wolf’s DNA being found on any of the bodies. Mr. Wolf will face 12 total charges over the incidents of September 2nd. If convicted he faces the possibility of 2 life sentences.
[“The Third Pig seems to be looking for his own Justice”]
He told us: “I am not sure of what justice is anymore, but the only thing I am sure of is my own justice”. We were not sure of what he meant by that, but the truth is that he was really full of indignation.
He, who never was mentioned after the trial, appeared on the scene right when the wolf was set free. And as he told us: “I might look like the same Pig you saw a year ago, but my hatred towards the wolf kept growing, and made me a stronger and fearless person”. From what he saw, the Third Pig was really different person; he wasn’t the same we met a year ago.
The pig claims that the wolf deserves a worse punishment, such as the death penalty. He also argues that someone that kills others for no reason, or for “a cup of sugar”, shouldn’t be out of in the streets, and shouldn’t be alive: “That wolf shouldn’t even be breathing after what he did to my brothers”.
Some sources have said that the Third Pig has been involved in criminal activities, and also linked to a new underground mob in
The Third Pig was last seen checking out guns, and other weapons and he claimed that he needed one for his own protection against Big Bad Wolf. But this is not what people in his neighborhood think: “Me and my boys saw him looking really strange and walking inside this abandoned house three blocks away from his house”, - one of his neighbors said.
We went and investigated about the abandoned house and it seems that this house is part of his plan to finish with Big Bad Wolf. He mentioned to one of his ex co-workers that he wanted to exterminate a plague, the same plague that damaged his honor and family: “He had this rage in his eyes and he couldn’t help but talk about how much he hated Big Bad Wolf”, his colleague said. Neighbors are really worried about The Third Pig, because he doesn’t seem to sleep, and he doesn’t even stay in his house for more than an hour: “He stays in that abandoned house most of the time”, another neighbor commented.
We also decided to ask Big Bad Wolf what he thought about his freedom, and what his plans were for this new life. “I knew I was innocent. They had me in prison for something that it wasn’t my fault. I am more than happy to out of there and I can’t wait to start partying and continue my old life”, said Mr. Wolf. There was also a question about what he thought about his always enemy, The Third Pig, and whether he was afraid or not of the Third Pig’s alliance with the mob. And he responded: “I am not afraid of this idiot’s threats. If he couldn’t keep me in jail, I doubt he could do any harm to me anymore”. The arguments and threats between these two characters doesn’t seem to have an end, and it seems it is going to take a long run.
I am news reporter Luisana S., and I will keep you inform of anything happening on the case Pig Brothers Vs Wolf. Live from the
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
An Enchanted Tragedy, David Fairey
“So, I was walking through the woods the other day when I passed Scarecrow, the pig. Everyone knows why we call him that, so I won’t bore you with the details. It has to do with the structure of his house, my only hint to any of the new readers. His usual exuberant self, I enjoyed chewing the fat with him for a while, we said our goodbyes, and I was on my way. Half a mile down the road I noticed a shadow move quickly by me in the direction of my friend Scarecrow. I wasn’t sure, but just in case I decided to go back and warn him that something may be amiss. As I was coming upon his house, I noticed a looming and disguised figure at the door. I decided to go around back to see if I could get his attention. As I tried to maneuver through the woods to get to the back, I heard the figure banging and grunting while howling and growling all at the same time. I tried to reach Scarecrow in time, but by the time I worked my way around to the back, the figure had rigged up a system of levers and pulleys and the house was coming down (I later heard that other eyewitnesses reported seeing the wolf, by his own breath’s power, force the house down in a series of huff and puffs…ridiculous). What I saw next was so graphically violent and gory that I will spare you the details, only to let you know that I am now seeing a psychologist and we are working on an experimental treatment to block this memory out of my mind. I was so confused and upset that I stayed there for hours, dumbfounded. I heard later that Scarecrow’s brother, Stickler, met the same fate a short while after but was finally stopped by Brickface.”
People (and pigs), heed the warning: Wolves are dangerous and need to be stopped and I don’t care if you feel any other way, it’s the truth of it. We all saw the reports of Little Red and said to ourselves, this can't happen to us. Well, I'm sure Scarecrow and Stickler thought the same thing and look where it got them. It's time to act. Send in your responses to the address below...
"Big Bad Wolf" Finally Apprehended
Last night Alexander T. Wolf, better known as the “Big Bad Wolf” was subdued and arrested at Mr. Pig’s house for a savage murder of two of Mr. Pigs brothers. Alexander T. Wolf has been notorious for break-ins, robberies, and now murder. He was always able to escape prosecution in the court of law under one or another reason. This time however, he will not circumvent the law.
Mr. Pig had to resort to the help of the police, as the “Big Bad Wolf” caused a great deal commotion and attempted to break into Mr. Pig’s house. While found in a state of extreme berserk and aggressive behavior, the “Big Bad Wolf” has threatened, insulted, and accused Mr. Pig; defaming Mr. Pig’s honest name in the public. This alone constitutes a tort, equivalent to three years of prison.
Following the arrest, Mr. Pig’s two brothers were found savagely murdered and eaten at the sight of their homes which were literally torn apart. The “Big Bad Wolf” has been brought to questioning by the police, and while he admits to the murders, he pleads not guilty under circumstance. As Wolf describes the situation, he was only trying to get a cup of sugar from both of Mr. Pig’s brothers. The complete infiltration of both houses, Wolf explains by two sneezes in conjunction with the overall weak structure of the homes.
Though Wolf’s story may sound convincing to some, we ask that you make no mistake. This is one DANGEROUS and sneaky wolf. Just think about it. Who in their rightful mind goes out to ask for a cup of sugar at night, and expects anyone to open their door to a stranger? Regular folks like you and I know very well how much sugar we have left and if we run low, we resort to the stores in daytime. His aggressive behavior at Mr.Pig’s house the Wolf explains by an insult from Mr. Pig addressed to the Wolf’s Granny. “Big Bad Wolf” claims that sour comments towards his Granny cause him to become very aggressive taking extreme offense. Well, maybe it does upset the “Big Bad Wolf” to hear poor language towards his Granny, however, this is why we have the court of law in our great state of Mississippi. Who has ever permitted Wolf to take the law in his own hands, which he in this case has clearly done?
Little Pigs Activity 2
It is a mystery so far, not only Augusta town resident do not understand ever the people next town curious why Alexander T Wolf describe as “Candid Wolf” for people who known him, who always helping his neighbors will ever do such thing. His long time neighbor Old Lady Fox explained to the reporter, “Alex is a good boy, he just fix my broken chair and sink yesterday. It took two hours and he did not say a word.” Another neighbor Stay Home Mom Dog adds that, “Yes, he baby-sits for me last weekend. He is such a decent man!” Old Lady Fox then going explain that Wolf is very close to his grandmother, he raised by his grandmother after his parents died in the car accident when he was eight years old. His grand mother who used work three jobs to support the family therefore he usually visits her a couple times a week. “It is just so sad; the Pig brothers were two hardworking Pigs. They moved to the town five years ago with their youngest brother Pig C (who was out of town during the crime happening). They were so polite and friendly; always visit me during the holiday.” said the Old Lady Fox.
According to police report the Wolf was unconscious when policy came to the crime scene Pig B’s destroyed house. Wolf later denied the charge states he has no motivation to kill the pig brothers. He told the police that he the only thing he could remember is he tried to borrow a cup of sugar from Pig A for bake a cake to surprise his loving grandmother on her birthday. People have different opinions about it. The Con-Wolf said that Wolf is liable for murdering the pigs and he just fakes it. On the other hand, the Pro-Wolf said that Wolf is not accountable because Wolf could runs away before the police come. It has been two months and people hope the policy to find more evident to prove his action either guilty or not, the third court day is schedule on September 31, 2007.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Little Pigs: Original International versions / Class 2
There were lots of animals testifying against Mr. Alexander T. Wolf, but also, there were a lot of other animals, testifying for Mr. Alexander T. Wolf. Both defendant and prosecutor who were calling Mr. Alexander T. Wolf to the stand to testify and cross examined him. For a long period of time, Mr. Alexander T. Wolf was sound as guilty as sin, for eating those poor Little Pigs. But, when Mr. Alexander T. Wolf’s grandma took the stand, and testified on her grandson’s behalf, the court looked in another direction. According to Ms. Martha G. Wolf (grandmother of Mr. Alexander T. Wolf), who raised Alexander T. Wolf all by herself, without help of his parents, Mr. Alexander T. Wolf was a good, responsible boy, who never would forget his grandmother birthday. She also mentioned that Alexander T. Wolf was an aggressive, nervous and bad tempered little boy, but his grandmother was always his priority and would never jeopardize her birthday by killing two Little Pigs and going to jail for it. She showed to the court pictures of every birthday that she spends with her grandson and every present that he gave her for all of her birthdays. She also brings up to the court’s attention that Mr. Alexander T. Wolf was a good cook and often surprised her with home made goodies.
Latter that day the twelve juries left the courtroom to deliberate on Mr. Alexander T. Wolf’s charges. It was long and hard deliberation for twelve hours for twelve fair and just juries, but because the prosecutor was not able to prove his case beyond reasonable doubts that Mr. Alexander T. Wolf did in fact ate two Little Pigs on purpose, Mr. Alexander T. Wolf was found not guilty of killing and eating two Little Pigs and brutally attacking their brother, Third Little Pig.
Now Mr. Alexander T. Wolf and his grandma Ms. Martha G. Wolf finally are going to celebrate her birthday at “Bones, Tails and Paws” restaurant, owned by Hyena’s family. Because of his dramatic experience, Mr. Alexander T. Wolf decided not to cook anymore cakes for his grandmother birthday and stay away as far as possible from Third Little Pig, who swore at empty casket funeral of his two dead brothers, not to rest, until he pays back to the murderer. And that concludes our breaking news report. Thank you for your attention.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
News Clip Assignment
Albany, NY, September 16, 2007 was the day that marked a horrific murder on two brothers in the town of Glenmont. Early yesterday morning two brothers feel victim to a horrific crime. Alexander T Wolf, better known in the town of Glenmont as the “Big Bad Wolf” is being held at the Vice Precinct without bail. He is being accused of first degree murder, man slaughter and breaking and entering. If Alexander is found guilty he faces life in jail with no possibility of parole.
Alexander “Big Bad Wolf” claims to have been paying the victims a visit because he claims he needed some sugar for the cake he was baking. However, it is strange how a simple cup of sugar lead to the tragic death of these two brothers. If all Mr. Alexander needed was some sugar, then why are two brothers dead! He should have paid the local market a visit rather than these you young men. One bystander claims to have seen the Alexander trying to break down the surviving brother’s door. “Thank goodness for his sturdy home” exclaimed a neighbor. When the police arrived at the scene, the wolf was franticly attempting to break into the surviving brother’s home. The surviving brother is now left alone with no remaining family members; close friends say that he is distraught over this tremendous loss. The two brothers were very well known in the town of Glenmont for their volunteer work with the elders at the local hospital.
These brothers were independent young men; they even built there own homes; they were aspiring architects and had plans on funding there own business next fall. They were going continue their fathers dream to have a family business.
Community members have been protesting outside of Vice Precinct in efforts to support the surviving brother. Mr. Finklestin, the lawyer of the surviving brother urges the community to remain calm “justice will be served in this town”. We were unable to receive a comment from Alexander’s lawyer at this time. Alexander will see the judge on Monday morning.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Len's Little Pigs Lesson 2
Woodsville, IL, September 14, 2007—Yesterday Alexander T. Wolf, known to his friends as Al, was baking a cake to surprise his grandmother on her 80th birthday. He had just finished coaching the Little League team he sponsors, and sending out his annual contribution to United Way, and now he was preheating the oven and buttering the cake pan. Wolf realizing that he didn’t have any sugar, set off to borrow a cup from his nearest neighbors, the Pigs. A pillar of the community, Wolf has lived in Woodsville all his life, and is well known for his generous philanthropy. Little did he suspect that by the time the sun had set and night descended, he would be arrested and charged with 2 counts of murder in the first degree, 2 counts of cannibalism and one count of attempted murder.
“No one wants to listen to my side of the story,” complained Wolf in an exclusive jailhouse interview. “It’s all circumstantial evidence, it’s not at all what it appears to be,” he sniffed. “It’s all because of this damn cold that I’m in this predicament anyway!”
Wolf adamantly denies the charges, which he called false and misleading. His attorney, Paymeup Front, said they were planning to file charges of libel and character assassination against the sole surviving Pig. “My client is completely innocent, and we have an eyewitness to prove it,” said Wolf’s attorney.
According to Wolf, all his troubles began when he tried to borrow a cup of sugar from his neighbors, the Pig brothers. The two deceased Pig had suffered oxygen deprivation at birth and as a result, both Pigs had very low IQs and had severe learning disabilities.
“He ate my brothers, that’s all there is to it, no explanations can undo that fact,” cried
Im-a-real Pig, the older brother of the two deceased pigs. “He should rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life. He’s a murderer and a cannibal.”
After his high velocity sneezes blew down their respective houses made of straw and sticks, which accidentally killed the occupants, eating them seemed the kindest thing to do, said Wolf. “After all, what was I supposed to do, let them rot out there? I should be rewarded, not punished. Just think of all the money I saved Im-a-real Pig on burial costs!”
Pay-me-up Front, Wolf’s lawyer, said that as soon as the grand jury heard from their eyewitness, he was sure the charges would be dropped. Ms. Woodie Chuck, a Woodsville resident, just happened to be nearby when both houses fell down. “It’s not Al’s fault,” she said she told police. “After all, did you ever try to suppress a sneeze?”
Wolf’s grandmother, Lots-of-teeth Wolf, was said to be distraught and inconsolable about her grandson’s incarceration. “He’s a good boy, and because of this big misunderstanding, I didn’t get any cake for my birthday.”