According to Alexander T. Wolf, he was a victim of harsh words and provoked into his actions. These cries fell on deaf ears though, since he was still sentenced to life in prison for the death of the pigs.
This was the outcome of the trial against the "Big Bad Wolf" that had the entire community in uproar.
Alexander T. Wolf claimed he was provoked and teased by the pigs, when all he wanted was a cup of sugar to bake a cake for his grandmother. He claimed that he went to the first pig's house to and kindly asked for a cup of sugar. He claimed that because the pig's house was made out of straw his nose started to itch, which made him sneeze.
- Shouldn't a wolf be use to straws, since he do live in the woods!!!
Well according to Alexander, the straws irritated his nose which caused him to sneeze. As a result of him sneezing, the pig's straw house fell which lead to the pig's death. The pig was dead and Alexander could not resist having the cute little pig for dinner.
This was not enough for the "Big Bad Wolf"; he continued on this path to destruction and murder.
He went to another pigs' house, pig #2, where he claimed he went asking for sugar again. He said he asked for the sugar nicely, but pig #2 did not open the door for him- so he decided to let himself in. This is when he felt another sneeze coming on. He claimed he sneezed and again the house came tumbling down. How convenient, that he only sneezes when he wants to enter someones' house! Again, pig #2 died, and he ate him.
That was not enough for the wolf, he wanted more for dinner!
He went on to pig #3 house. But that pigs was smart and built a house of brick. Alexander called out to the pig, pretending he wanted sugar, but the pig never responded. He thought he could have blown down the house of this pig, but he was unsuccessful with all his huffs and puffs. Instead of blowing the house down, all he did was caused a big commotions which lead the police to his arrest. He was caught "red handed"; and for that reason he will spend the rest of his life in jail where he cannot harm any more pigs. He had enough for dinner!!!
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