1. It was very interesting that mother sent little girl to grandmother's house in such a long and dangereus way, not telling her daughter what can happened with her, especially from strangers.Most likely, the girl was taught from her mother how to respect family members and others and olso to behave nice with them. Consequently, when mother asked Little Red to bring hers grandmother food she was happy. The Little Red wanted to show her grandmother how much she loved her by bringing flowers. The Little was innocent , thinking she doesn't want to harm anybody and no one will harm her.
2. The red color represented to To Wolf love, patience . When Wolf saw the little girl with red cap, to him she was grown woman he maybe fol in love with her. Wolf ate her showing her love. The little girl was innocent, she didn't have experience;, did not think something bad can happened to her.
3. In this case wolf used Little Red inexperienced life end also shows how some men are like wolf who are using youn girls. Those men are using young girls just because they are not experienced and they are trusting them whtever they said to them. This story is sending messages' to some parents that they should talk with children, to explait to them how they should be carfule from other people especially from strangers. As a result we can see in another story when Little Red had an experience . When another wolf met her and asked her to leave the path, she didn't do what he wanted. The Little went to grandmother's house.
Here is variation of the story which shows the little girl as much more savvy. When young girl saw a wolf that is not her grandmother she took a gan and killed him.
Fables for Our Time and Famous Poems
illustrated by James Thurber
Harber and Row 1939
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