Today, Thursday September 25, 2008 has marked a landmark day here in Swine Valley, USA. Trial has begun in the heated case of the Little Pigs versus the notorious Brer Wolf. Both sides have presented their vivid accounts of events past and now the jury is left to decipher truth from fiction.
Lawyers from both sides have come forth with statements to the general public at an earlier press conference today. The defense, Attorney Robert Wolvington, contends that his client is innocent of all charges, such as breaking and entering, larceny, attempted murder, and murder , just to name a few. The prosecution attorney, Hamilton Grunt asserts that a crime against animality has occurred and justice will prevail. The young, but seasoned lawyer representing the prosecution has made it clear that if one wolf is let off the hook, life as we all know it would perish.
This trial marks the final stages of a more than a decade search for the culprit responsible for the brutal murder of members to the Little Pig family. Brer Wolf allegedly coaxed his way into the houses of unsuspecting pigs, and then violently attacked, eating his victim without even chewing. His violent rage was ended after meeting his match in a house well constructed out of brick. He allegedly attempted to enter this house through the chimney and met a surprise at the end of the tunnel- a boiling pot of water. Police arrested Brer Wolf on the scene, scalded rear and all, and locked him up without bail.
All Little Pigs in the Swine Valley and surrounding regions are advised to look out for copycats- or copywolves to be PC. Deliberation resumes tomorrow and is expected to last throughout next week. We will keep you posted of any developments to the story.
1 comment:
I think your report has a similar feeling to Law& Order SVU's on T.V I've been watching the show for quite awhile and the show always starts off with an catchy opening scene (Can be a person walking down the streets and suddenly finds himself a person bleeding or a body being scattered near garbage bags. Just like in the three little pigs where everyone has their sort of a climax scene. In Law and Order, there will always be a scene judge, a defendant and few supporters. We mainly ask questions back and forth to each person to find out if that person is guilty or not towards a particular murder case. I think it’s kind of interesting to watch it on television rather that me actually going to a court and listening to them. It's one of my favorite shows on T.V and enjoyed it a lot. Your case was pretty amusing to me as well.
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