Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Poor Wolf

Here's the real story.  The hardlining facts the papers don't want you to read.  T wolf had know the pigs for some time.  For years they had traveled with a petting zoo company and had thus far only lived in tents.  "I'm a goat," said the goat, for he was a goat and was simple.  He ate trash and was happy to live under a tent.All the animals lived out under tents in perfect harmony and all things were good.
But the pigs, being the pigs they were, became greedy.  "I want a custom RV, with cable television, and a chicken rotisserisizer."  This terrified the chickens, who were chickens, and were happy to live simple lives under tents.  "BGGOK!!"  Said one of the chickens, for he was a chicken, and his utterings were unintelligible.  

This is not good said Mr. T wolf, we need enough food to go around for everyone, and simply can't afford these expenditures.  The pig became very upset and hasteful. "See what's to become of your food old woof," and late in the evening, in a fit of rage built a house out of hay that was food for the livestock.  The next morning all the animals woke up for breakfast to find him sleeping in inside his house of hay.
The wolf knew what had to be done, and blew the house down.
It was a cold day that day it was and all the animals were silent, except for one of the other of the three pigs.  For this pigs name was Larry, and he didn't do shit.  The zoo labored on throughout the day and all the animals did their part, except Larry.  
But the end of the day came, and all things were done, and the time had come to build a fire, for it was time for a great feast to celebrate the day.  But when T Wolf went to get wood there was no more.  For Larry was not happy living simply under the tent, and had used it all to build a house.
Again the wolf had to get it back, and he blew the house down.
The third day Simon, a happy pig who loved the tent, decided to build a house out of stone.  This was a bad day for T Wolf, and T Wolf saw the house and without making an intelligent assessment concluded the house was another wasteful act of greed.  But he was mistaken, and it isn't allways wrong to have nice things, this is America bitch.  So the wolf huffed and puffed and puffed and huffed and huffed some more collapsing to the ground and weezing.
"Shame on you Mr. T wolf," said Simon.  And the wolf was forgotten for his heroics and seen as a total jerk for the rest of his life.

1 comment:

Julia Grigoryan said...

I found it hilarious that Wolf was the one who tried to economize whereas pigs, who usually don’t really care about their dwelling conditions, were presented as spoiled spenders. Even though I realize that by blowing out the house Wolf managed to supply the animals with the necessary provision, however you didn’t mention how the pigs were killed.