Reporter: We are standing here in front of the Tree Forest Supreme Court where Alexander T Wolf, the defendant, has been charge with the murder of the little two pigs and the attempted murder of the third little pig. The court is now in session and the Honorable Judge Bear is presiding. The defendant, Mr. Wolf has been on the witness stand all morning telling is verse of the events. While, the third little pig sits with an open mouth and stun gaze on his face. It appears, that the jury is buying Mr. Wolf’s version of the events as he sit here spinning his web of deceit. Here is some footage from inside the courtroom.
Mr. Wolf: (cleaning his glasses with a napkin) this is all a terrible misunderstanding. I did not murder the little pigs all I did was just have some dinner. They died from natural causes.
Judge Bear: Mr. Wolf what exactly do you call natural causes.
Mr. Wolf: Well, (he pauses a few minutes before answering the question). Judge it appears the two little pigs each had a heart attack. As I said before, they were both dead as doornails before I ate them. Therefore, I could not have murdered them.
Judge Bear: And what of the third little pig claim.
Mr. Wolf: another terrible misunderstanding, I am afraid (this time removing a napkin from his breast pocket to wipe his face). Mr. Pig had said something bad about my dear old granny, so of course went the police came they saw me trying to break down his the door.
Judge Bear: What about all that huffing and puffing that they witness.
Mr. Wolf: because I had been suffering from a horrible cold that day, I was huffing and puffing sneezing, and making a real scene and that is what they saw. I swear.
Reporter: The Jurors all started nodding their heads as if they were in agreement with Mr. Wolf. When suddenly third little pig jumped up and started screaming.
Judge Bear: Mr. Pig please control yourself another such outburst and I will call a mistrial. This court is in recess.
Reporter: Here comes the third little pig. Mr. Pig do you have anything say about that earlier outburst in the courtroom.
Pig: I had to do something to break the spell that he was about to cast over the jurors.
Reporter: Weren’t you afraid that Judge Bear would have you removed?
Pig: No, I have heard that he is a fair and wise judge.
Reporter: So, you think that justice will prevail and Mr. Wolf will be punished for his awful crimes.
Pig: Yes, I do.
It's interesting that in today's world we don't take into account that justice in a democratic country is not about right versus wrong, but rather which party is more convincing. Issues like truth and justice are rather irrelevant in modern court cases, don't you think? This is a plus and minus of using living documents.
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