VOICE OVER: Tonight E! investigates the horrifying deaths of Rupert and Benjamin Pig—two brothers allegedly killed by the biggest and the baddest wolf around town, Alexander T. Wolf. Who exactly is Alexander T. Wolf? Is he really responsible for the murders? Tonight E! speaks to a few of the most crucial people involved in the case…
GRANNY T. WOLF: (adjusting her glasses) Oh my, Al was always such a good, good boy. He was never one to start any kind of trouble. He was such a fine boy with a good head on his shoulders. Ever night he would prepare dinner for the two of us and we’d eat by the fire. I would tell him stories from my childhood and we would reminisce about the late Gregory and Sylvia T. Wolf (Alexander’s parents). Al was a kind and considerate young wolf. I could never imagine him capable of doing such a thing to two innocent pigs…
FRANKLIN PIG (Rupert and Benjamin Pig’s older brother): I frankly don’t understand why you people keep questioning me about the case. It is clear that Mr. Wolf is a violent and aggressive character that killed my younger brothers. Rupert and Benjamin were very generous—they would give the skin off their backs for a person in need. Had Mr. Wolf really been searching for a cup of sugar, Rupert and Benjamin would have offered him a full bag along with a cup of tea or coffee.
MR. AND MRS. PIG (Rupert, Benjamin and Franklin’s parents)
MRS. PIG (weeping uncontrollably): That…wolf…murdered…my two youngest little pigs. I would never wish death upon anyone, but Mr. Wolf deserves the closest thing to it.
MR. PIG (consoling his wife): She has trouble sleeping at night. She has lost a great deal of weight dealing with the stress and anxiety. I can’t rest until I know Mr. Wolf has been put away for life.
VOICE OVER: After fourteen long and dreadful months of trials and investigations…the chief investigator PETER D. BROOKS tells E! what granted Mr. Alexander Wolf freedom…
PETER D. BROOKS: For the longest time, we did not have very much evidence to go on. Nothing that really proved him innocent and nothing that really proved him guilty. However, now we have the piece of evidence that will clear Mr. Wolf’s name forever… the remains of a glass-measuring cup found at the scene of the crime. The remnants have just returned from the lab after being examined for fingerprints/DNA/any of type of evidence that could link the particular measuring cup with Mr. Wolf and that in fact, is exactly what was found.
ALEXANDER T. WOLF: I told you people I never murdered those two little delicious tasting pigs. Now, please, would SOMEBODY lend me some sugar?
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